Ongoing Initiatives

  • For all levels
  • Online and offline
  • 20–60 minute sessions

HeadSkills delivers a series of solutions to ensure workplace mental health is inclusive and stays at the top of every organisation’s agenda. 

Available in a number of delivery modes – from webinars to toolbox talks, lunch-and-learns, to live events. 

People are time-poor …

HeadSkills provides bite-size learning for staff at all levels.

A pick-and-mix menu of wellbeing topics allows you to choose what you need most. With flexible delivery modes, the goal is to expand awareness, knowledge and skills.

How HeadSkills works

HeadSkills encompasses a wide range of subjects and delivery modes including face to face, webinars and toolbox talks.

Topics include:

  • Leadership styles and wellbeing
  • Strengthening emotional intelligence in me and my team
  • Listening – at a different level
  • Neurodiversity and wellbeing
  • Just Talk: why expressing our feelings matters
  • Question time: Your FAQs Answered

These sessions usually run to 20—60 minutes, and are designed around your schedules.

Pick ‘n’ mix

Bite-sized learning, with a variety of modes

Designed around your schedule

Sessions are usually between 20–6o minutes

Keeps the conversation going

Each session builds momentum on the mental health journey

The benefits for your organisation

Keeping mental health and wellbeing on the agenda is crucial to the success of an organisation.

Regular bite-sized sessions builds the momentum and keeps the conversations going.

Get in touch

If you’re going to do it, do it right. Prioritise workplace mental health and wellbeing – start your journey with Headtorch today.